воскресенье, 29 июня 2014 г.

Alaskan brown bears with cubs

Postcard ID: US-2815879
Country: USA

These bears look so nice and cute, however I don't want to meet them in the forest. Brown bears live not only in Alaska ;)

The brown bear, which is distributed throughout  the northern hemisphere, includes several subspecies. In North America, these subspecies include the Mexican brown bear, the grizzly bear, and the Alaskan brown bear. Alaskan brown bears are found in coastal areas where salmon is the primary food source. Brown bears found inland are called grizzly bears. Brown bears have been known to live 34 years in the wild, although this is rare. Old females may live to 26 years of age. In comparison to the black bear, the brown bear is usually larger, has a more prominent shoulder hump, and has longer, straighter claws. The long claws are useful in digging for roots or excavating the burrows of small mammals. The musculature and bone structure of the hump are adaptations for  digging and for attaining the bursts of speed necessary to capture moose or caribou. 

Brown bears have an especially good sense of smell, and under the right conditions they may be able to detect odors more than a mile away. 

Here is a nice almost programmer stamp:

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